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This representation above demonstrates the sequential flow of the ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) process for an SQL database, from data extraction to its use in reporting and analytics, enabling informed decision-making based on transformed and structured data.

  • Data Sources: Various sources where data originates from like databases, API’s, Files e.t.c
  • Extraction: Extracting data from these sources, performing initial data cleaning and transforming the raw data into a format suitable for further processing.
  • Transformation: Data cleansing, enrichment, applying business logic and other transformations required for analysis and decision-making.
  • SQL-Database: Storing transformed data in an SQL database. This database is structured to facilitate analysis and reporting.
  • Loading: Moving the processed data to its final destination within the database or integrating it with existing data.
  • Reporting/Analytics: Utilising the structured data for business intelligence (BI) analysis and decision-making purposes. This stage involves querying the data for insights and generating reports.

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